How did it all start
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The very thought of a band wasn’t born in 2006. It was earlier at my little home, somewhere around 2004 when I was fascinated by electronic music. I randomly put up a band name on my computer’s desktop. I called it Cosmic Praise. People around me loved it but I didn’t do anything different with it yet.

It was when I shifted to my present home that I wanted to play Rock Music and Cosmic Praise wouldn’t fit in as a name for someone who wants to play Rock Music. And then I went to college and had some sort of an audition one day, when I met few musicians. We jammed together and I became friends with the drummer (Simeon is his name) of the college band. They selected three of us to play for the college event that year. I remember playing the song You have Turned, Hillsong on the piano, and it was a pretty good show.

The following week I invited Simeon over and got him introduced to Jasper, my brother knowing that we had similar listening and playing skills. We talked about Cosmic Praise and then the idea of playing Rock. Simeon loved rock while Jasper was still into Pop. But never mind, I wanted to do something. I wanted to start a band. The idea amazed both of them. I then raised the lid of my million dollar laptop, to name our new band. I was pretty impressed with the name Angel Fire.

We re-named ourselves Angel Fire and with the little we had, made our debut album. We called it I will worship. Friends who came home liked our music. This encouraged us to make more music. We loved ourself for who we were but something was missing. Live shows? Yes! I got in touch with friends and talked about going live, though we didn’t own our instruments.

One day I felt the urgency of changing the band’s name. It was a voice that whispered. Witnesswide it is! I called up mom and told her the idea of changing our name. She said it was a great idea. I shared this with Jasper and Simeon and they said the same. And there it was Witnesswide.

Then we gave Witnesswide a tagline and played our first live show at Chiraan Fort Club, Secunderabad. It was a good show. We sounded tight. Ever since then our journey began. We were to play at Schools, Colleges, Churches.

Then one day I met this guy called Daniel, who apparently came home for a guitar audition. He was none other than the sound engineer from church. I liked his style and innovation. He fit in well with Jasper, Simeon and I, and got himself committed full time to the band. We shared ideas and learnt the guitar together.

We bought our first drum kit and recorded our first album Perfect Love, where 500 DVDs were sold at the concert organised exclusively by us in 2011 at YMCA, Secunderabad. It was self-funded and we had a large crowd. We then started to grow on Social Media and launched our website in 2012. The album was sold in the United States too.

We had ups and downs throughout this journey but we trust in someone who is apparently the master-mind behind this band. That is Jesus Himself. His grace was sufficient and still is. We owe it all to Him.

2013 and 2014 were years of growth and discipline for Witnesswide. We apparently started growing. Producers, Cinematographers, Photographers, Script-Writers, Editors, Actors and Contributing Artists started adding up to Witnesswide. We were able to do more with such talents within the band. We never had to outsource our production. God provides!

Witnesswide, widely known, was given the title “Innovative Band of the City”. We kept the good work.

Never Ending is our latest album released worldwide in 2015. This video album with six fresh songs is available for free here for a limited time. We will continue the good work as long as we live.

Witnesswide aims to effectively touch the hearts of the lost and lead them to the truth.

God bless you.

Business with Jacinth