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Got a talent and don’t know where to exhibit it to your best ability? My band has got you covered.

We have introduced the brand new Creative Witnesswide, where you can take your creative side to the next level. Not everyone likes music. Some may love baking, or stitching, or even tap dancing. But where do they fit in with a band? Welcome to Creative Witnesswide. Creative Witnesswide is the creative ministry of Witnesswide. It’s vision is to empower and equip young talents as well as professionals to work together for the Kingdom influence in the market place.

We will mark your skills on a personal level and let you participate with the band at various events we conduct in your city. You will also get an opportunity to connect with other like-minded people and colleagues in the marketplace, and be stretched and equipped through life-changing messages from our past experiences.

Breakfasts and night events are offered and designed to fit into busy schedules.

So what are you waiting for? Join Creative Witnesswide Today!

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Business with Jacinth