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Hope Hyderabad 2016


Touring with Witnesswide is a dream come true.

I remember one day sitting in my living room and dreaming about the band touring cities. And we finally landed at Canada, reached the auditorium and was about to strike the first chord, and then my mum woke me up!

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is the reality.”

And so, I was lucky that I had a band having the same dream and vision as I did. Seeing these dreams become reality, I had no words to thank the One who was responsible for bringing us this far. Even through hardships and the pain, the band has been together, and I believe that this commitment has brought the band so far. And now we never stop practising music. The more we practice, the more we get to be on the stage.

Behind the scenes, we train our team as well. As we are expanding, we see a greater need for technical training. And keeping all of us updated with what’s new has always been a part of our agenda. And the team enjoys it! If we are musically silent for a while, you can be sure that there is something amazing happening in the background. Maybe a training. Or a new creative website in the making. Or maybe a new album.

The frontman of the band, Jasper, who happens to be my brother, discovered his amazing talent of leading the crowd, making us sound as one. Be at one of our concerts and you will never stop dancing!

Witnesswide is known for its technicality on stage. With thorough research and practice backstage, the band is always prepared to meet its challenges and yet sound it’s best. And at this point, we want to give all the credit to Jesus.

Business with Jacinth