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Gearing up for an event ahead can be a struggle, but with dedication and focus, your band will be ready to “wow” the audiences. Make it a team effort as you work with singers, musicians and everyone involved in the event. Here are some tips I can think of to get you going. Well, with the difficulty being moderately challenging, here we go,

  • Set specific goals for your band. Once the specific date and venue for the concert is set in stone, you’ll have a time limit for achieving the goals. Choose the repertoire and work on learning and perfecting the pieces during set rehearsal times each week.
  • Assign any solo work early on in the rehearsal process. This gives the soloists advanced notification and time to prepare for their moments in the spotlight.
  • Choose the specific order of your setlist and hold extra rehearsals in the two weeks leading up to the concert. Make the last rehearsal before the concert a dress rehearsal where everything is performed in the exact order without stopping. At the very end, discuss any problem areas and go over those specific places in the music.
  • Set an arrival time for your stage set-up staff and musicians prior to the concert that allows adequate time to get ready. If possible, run through the musical pieces before the audience arrives. Allow plenty of time for set-up or decoration of the stage.

Finally, I wanna conclude by saying that I have an amazing team! I can’t thank them enough for making every event of Witnesswide a memorable one.

Business with Jacinth